Thursday, December 15, 2005

We Did It!!

I just got the call this afternoon. We WON again! The Fort Worth Stock Show art contest! The stock show is not until January but the art competition is judged in advance and an awards luncheon will take place during the event. They will also display the over-all winning portfolio and selected other works in one of the halls during the stock show. I won't find out until late January if our school was chosen as the best in the elementary category or best over-all. Best elementary is a huge honor with the number of schools entering and best over-all almost always goes to a high school, usually ours. We are an "artsy" commumity with lots of support and encouragment for visual art and particularly western art. It's been through the encouragment and mentoring of our high school art teacher (over-all winner the last 16 of 17 years) that I've been able to become competitive in this show with my school. He's awesome. ANYWAY....I'm THRILLED to say the least! It's probably the most professionally affirming thing that can happen for me as an elementary art teacher.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Congratulations, I'm sure you and all the students, and everyone else involved, definitely deserved to win :)