Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I really like being a "boy mom". Sure....I'd wanted a girl the 2nd time I was pregnant. But, as it turns out, I was supposed to be a boy mom. And since I've ended up with 4 children, I'm very happy that they are all of the same sex and that they are boys. This is the beginning of a list of things I like about boys. I won't be able to finish it all right now because I'm short on time. But here goes...

1) Boys require less maintenance. One word, "accessories", pretty much sums up what I mean by this. There's just less crap to worry about buying with boys. They also clean up more easily than girls. You can pretty much just hose them down, dry them off, and you're good to go.

2) Boys are more physical than emotional. This can be a real pain to put up with....but the good news is, they never actually hurt each other on purpose. They tussle it up just enough to get past their disagreement or crisis and then they move on. It's over. No dramatic week-long whinefest trying to patch things up or recover their entire self-esteem or dignity.

To be continued....



Anonymous said...

Interesting post - I am the oldest of 5 boys (no girls in our family either) and didn't think much about how life would be different with girls. Interested in more of your thoughts on the subject!

grace said...

Thanks for commenting. Let me know what you think/your comparisons to your household of boys with my thoughts. I'm very intersted and encouraged when I hear that others have "survived" :) this scenario!

Anonymous said...

The latter is so not true for my mother - also a boys mom. Temper tantrums last for days in this house. Plus, we are physical, so...

grace said...

You mean the temper tantrums of the boys or your mother?
just curious....

Anonymous said...

LOL, the boys.